A Dispute Resolution Skill That Is Used to Assist Two Parties to Reach an Agreement Is Called


When it comes to business transactions, disagreements are bound to happen. However, handling and resolving these disputes in a professional manner is crucial to prevent any negative impact on both parties. This is where dispute resolution skills come in handy.

The term “dispute resolution” refers to the methods used to settle a disagreement or conflict between two parties. One of the most commonly used dispute resolution skills is mediation. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, the mediator, facilitates communication between the two conflicting parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Mediation is often used in legal and business settings, as it allows both parties to maintain control over the outcome of the dispute, rather than leaving it in the hands of a judge or legal system. In fact, mediation can be a much less expensive and time-consuming alternative to traditional court proceedings.

The mediator’s role is not to make decisions or force an outcome, but rather to facilitate communication and encourage the parties to find common ground. The mediator will ask questions, gather information, and help the parties understand each other`s perspectives.

One key benefit of mediation is that it allows the parties to maintain a relationship and work towards a resolution that benefits both parties. This is particularly important in cases where the parties need to continue to work together in the future.

In addition to mediation, there are other dispute resolution skills and techniques that can be used, such as arbitration and negotiation. In arbitration, a third party acts as a judge and makes a final decision on the dispute. Negotiation involves the parties working together to find a solution that satisfies both parties.

In today’s business world, having the understanding of dispute resolution skills is important. Disagreements are bound to happen in any business, but handling them professionally and efficiently can help maintain positive working relationships and prevent costly legal disputes.

In conclusion, the dispute resolution skill used to assist two parties to reach an agreement is called mediation. Mediation allows both parties to maintain control over the outcome of the dispute, encourages communication, and can be a less expensive and time-consuming alternative to traditional court proceedings. Other dispute resolution skills such as arbitration and negotiation can also be used depending on the type of dispute and the parties involved. By utilizing these skills, businesses can handle disputes in a professional manner and prevent negative impact on their reputation and financial standing.